Top 10 Biggest Political Parties In The World In 2023

10 Biggest Political Parties In The World

In the ever-evolving landscape of global politics, understanding the prominence and influence of political parties is crucial. This article explores the top 10 biggest political parties in the world in 2023. Drawing from SouthAsiaIndex, it sheds light on their membership figures, historical significance, and impact on the global stage.

1. Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) – India

 10 Biggest Political Parties

At the top of the global political stage is the “Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP),” a political powerhouse originating from India. With an astonishing membership base of 180 million, the BJP has firmly established itself as a political giant both within the nation and in the international arena.

Rooted in the principles of the Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh, the party has evolved into a dominant force, shaping the trajectory of national policies and contributing significantly to discussions on the global stage.

The BJP’s remarkable influence extends beyond borders, marking it as a key player in the complex dynamics of contemporary international politics.

2. Communist Party of China (CCP) – China

10 Biggest Political Parties In The World

Securing the second position is the Chinese Communist Party, with an impressive membership of 98.04 million. Established in 1921, the CCP plays a pivotal role in shaping China’s political, economic, and social landscape.

The CCP’s historical journey has been marked by significant milestones, beginning with its establishment during a transformative period in China’s history. Since its inception, the party has played a central role in shaping the nation’s political landscape, contributing to its evolution into a global powerhouse.

With roots deeply embedded in Marxist-Leninist ideology, the CCP has guided China through various phases of development, from revolutionary movements to economic reforms. Its influence extends beyond domestic affairs, impacting international relations and global economic dynamics.

The party’s commitment to a socialist system, combined with its emphasis on centralized control, has defined China’s political structure for decades. The CCP’s leadership, currently under General Secretary Xi Jinping, continues to navigate the complexities of modern governance while asserting China’s role as a major player on the world stage.

As China undergoes rapid economic growth and technological advancements, the CCP’s policies and decisions reverberate globally. The party’s ability to adapt to changing circumstances and its strategic vision contribute to its enduring significance, making it a focal point of analysis in discussions on contemporary global politics

3. Indian National Congress (INC) – India

10 Biggest Political Parties In The World

The Indian National Congress, a historical player in India’s struggle for independence, holds the third position with 50 million members. Despite facing challenges, the INC remains a complex political movement supporting various social and economic causes.

Founded in 1885, it played a pivotal role in India’s freedom movement led by Mahatma Gandhi, facing triumphs and challenges. Despite hurdles, the INC remains a formidable political force, adapting to the evolving socio-political landscape.

With a commitment to diverse social and economic causes, the INC has transformed over the years, contributing to policy formulation and national discourse. Today, its rich historical significance and inclusive vision make it a stalwart in India’s dynamic political scenario.

4. Democratic Party – United States

 10 Biggest Political Parties In The World

Ranking fourth globally with 47,130,651 members, the United States Democratic Party is recognized for its progressive stance on social issues. Established on January 8, 1828, the party has been a pivotal force in shaping American politics.

With a commitment to issues like civil rights and healthcare, the Democratic Party has played a key role in enacting groundbreaking policies. Notable leaders such as Barack Obama and Joe Biden, both former presidents, highlight the party’s impact on the nation’s history.

The Democratic Party’s dedication to inclusivity and social justice continues to influence the American political landscape.

5. Republican Party – United States


Established in the early 19th century, the GOP, also known as the “Grand Old Party,” has emerged as a significant force in American politics. Its core principles revolve around the promotion of conservative values and advocating for limited government intervention.

Since its inception in the mid-19th century, the Republican Party has played an important role in shaping the political landscape of the USA. With a commitment to free market principles and a focus on preserving traditional social values, the GOP continues to influence and contribute to the political discourse in the nation.

6. Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf (PTI) – Pakistan


The PTI secures the 6th position globally, with a membership of 10 million. Founded in 1996 by Imran Khan, the legendary “1992 cricket World Cup-winning captain,” PTI has rapidly risen to prominence, championing justice, anti-corruption, and grassroots empowerment.

Imran Khan has developed the “Shaukat KhanumMemorialCancer Hospital& Research Centre,” the first of its kind in Pakistan. Imran Khan served as the “22nd Prime Minister of Pakistan from August 2018 to April 2022.”

However, PTI is currently experiencing challenging times, despite being one of the most popular parties in Pakistan. These challenges arose from an incident on May 9th when the PTI Chairman, who was attending a corruption case hearing at the Islamabad High Court, was arrested by Rangers. The arrest involved breaking a glass window and physical altercations with lawyers. This led to public protests, and some unfortunate events happened during this time.

The PTI Chairman Imran Khan has requested a fair investigation into the events of May 9th, but he hasn’t yet received justice from any of the courts in Pakistan. There are claims of political victimization against the PTI Chairman Imran Khan, and efforts are being made to weaken him by forcing some party members to leave through press conferences held on May 9th.

To make things more difficult, on August 5th, the Chairman was arrested again in connection with the Toshakhana case, and he is still in jail with more than 200 FIRs against him.

7. All India Anna Dravida Munnetra Kazhagam (AIADMK) – India


Established in 1972, the AIADMK holds the seventh global position with an impressive membership of 20,044,400. Operating in Tamil Nadu, India, AIADMK has become a formidable force in shaping the socio-political dynamics of the state.

With a dedicated grassroots membership, the party actively addresses regional issues and reflects a deep connection with the local populace. AIADMK’s unique identity and ability to navigate Tamil Nadu’s socio-cultural landscape contribute to its enduring presence on the global political stage.

8. Dravida Munnetra Kazhagam (DMK) – India


DMK, ranked eighth with 20 million members, is a formidable force in Indian politics. Established in 1949, it has significantly influenced Tamil Nadu’s political narrative, championing regional rights and social justice.

With a seven-decade history, DMK adapts to contemporary issues while remaining committed to the region’s welfare. Beyond its numerical strength, the party’s leadership legacy and role in vital policy discussions underscore its impact at both state and national levels.

As a major global political player, DMK continues to shape Tamil Nadu’s sociopolitical landscape, drawing international attention.

9. Justice and Development Party (AKP) – Turkey


The AKP has left an indelible mark on Turkey’s political scene since its founding in 2001. Holding the eighth global position with an impressive membership of 11,241,230, the AK Party ushered in a transformative era in Turkish politics, emphasizing conservative values.

Led by figures like Recep Tayyip Erdoğan, the AKP has been instrumental in steering Turkey through political and economic changes, blending political and Islamic values. With broad support across demographics, the party’s influence extends beyond national politics to regional and municipal levels, showcasing its resilience and prominence.

As Turkey grapples with geopolitical challenges, the AKP continues to shape the nation’s discourse and policies, standing as a noteworthy force in global politics.

10. Aam Aadmi Party (AAP) – India


AAP holds the 10th position among the world’s top 10 political parties, established in 2012 with a membership of 10.05 million. Recognized as the Common Man’s Party, AAP is dedicated to anti-corruption efforts and prioritizes inclusive governance.

Emphasizing transparency and integrity, the party aims to eradicate corruption in Indian politics. AAP envisions a political landscape where all citizens, regardless of their background, have their concerns addressed.

Despite its short existence, AAP has made notable strides in reshaping Indian politics. As it navigates the challenges ahead, AAP’s commitment to anti-corruption and inclusivity positions it as a key player in India’s political landscape.

Factors Defining Political Party Size

Understanding what makes a political party significant involves considering factors such as membership size, electoral success, geographical reach, historical significance, policy influence, financial resources, media coverage, and public perception.

The position of PTI varies across different sources

  • According to @SouthAsiaIndex, PTI is acknowledged as the 6th largest party in the world.
  • According to Wikipedia, PTI is recognized as the 9th largest political party in the world in 2023.
  • According to, PTI holds the 10th position globally among the largest political parties in 2023, based on membership.


The varied array of the world’s biggest political parties reflects the multifaceted dynamics that shape current global politics. As these parties continue to evolve, their ideologies, strategies, and historical trajectories remain crucial elements for understanding the complex global political landscape.

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