Top 10 Habits of Highly Successful People

Top 10 Habits of Highly Successful People

Successful people understand that success is not just handed to them, but rather something that they must work hard for. They have adopted certain habits that help them achieve their goals, such as hard work, business acumen, and tenacity. Aside from luck, these habits are essential to success.

Successful people possess intangible traits and habits that inspire them to take risks and persevere even when the odds are against them. They share qualities that set them apart from others and learning these habits can be beneficial for anyone looking to achieve success. The focus of this article will be on the top 10 habits of highly successful people.

1. Waking up Early in the Morning

Waking up Early in the Morning successful people

Waking up early has many benefits, including having more hours in the day and being most productive in the two hours after waking up. Early morning hours are great for completing important tasks before interruptions occur. Additionally, waking up early allows time for spiritual pursuits or exercise. By examining the morning routines of successful people, we can see that rising early is a common habit among successful people.

2. Eating Breakfast

Successful people understand that the choices they make outside of work can make all the difference. The first meal of the day, commonly known as breakfast, holds great significance as it is considered the most important meal. The food choices made by successful individuals for their breakfast can significantly influence their cognitive abilities for the rest of the day. Dietitians have advice on what to eat and drink for weight loss or to enhance cognitive performance.

The profitable breakfast food market is a target for major food corporations seeking to enter or expand their presence. These companies also aim to promote the consumption of breakfast foods beyond the morning hours. Additionally, cultural factors also influence our dietary preferences for different times of the day.

3. Reading continuously

For achieving guidance and inspiration, successful people often give priority to educational books and biographies over magazines and novels. Although some individuals attain success without formal education, they remain lifelong learners and consider reading as a crucial factor in their achievements.

Reading not only contributes to success but also provides health benefits, including stress and depression prevention, dementia avoidance, and improved confidence, empathy, decision-making, and life satisfaction.

To increase the productivity and health benefits of reading, setting a timer for reading sessions, establishing a consistent reading routine, and reading before bed can be helpful.

4. Personal Care

Successful people prioritize their physical and mental health because they understand the link between a healthy body and a healthy mind. They avoid unhealthy food and instead opt for a well-balanced diet to maintain their energy and accomplish their goals.

They also manage stress and stay mentally sharp through activities like meditation, exercise, and a healthy breakfast. They know that prioritizing their own well-being is necessary for peak performance in all aspects of life, whether it be work, business, or raising a family. In the long run, a focus on personal health and well-being leads to better outcomes in all areas of life.

5. Learn from others

Learn from others

Successful people acknowledge that they don’t have all the answers and are always open to learning and expanding their knowledge. They seek out mentors, continue their education, and ask productive questions to make the most of their learning opportunities.

Successful individuals practice curiosity and keep an open mind, constantly seeking out information about innovation in their industry. They use this information to fine-tune their products or services and make decisions about upskilling themselves or their team. Successful people also surround themselves with like-minded individuals, absorbing their ideas and energy while fostering an exchange of accountability, ideas, and motivation.

They understand that raising their standards is essential for personal and professional growth and will replace unhealthy connections with healthier ones if necessary.

6. Stick to their Routine

Stick to their Routine

Successful people not only create effective daily routines but also prioritize following them to structure their lives, save time, and increase efficiency. They understand that a routine is only useful if it is consistently followed. One habit that can contribute to success is keeping a journal, which allows individuals to slow down, reflect on their day, set goals, and grow as a person.

The book “The Artist’s Way” by Julia Cameron suggests an exercise called “morning pages,” which involves writing three pages of conscious morning thoughts by hand. This practice helps to declutter the mind and promote focus and clarity at the start of the day.

7. Risk Taking

 Risk Taking

Successful people understand that taking calculated risks is necessary to achieve extraordinary things in life. They don’t fear taking risks because they know it can provide them with various opportunities and make their lives more rewarding.

However, successful risk-takers are not impulsive or reckless; they are planners who map out the steps they need to take to achieve their goals. Taking risks requires stepping out of one’s comfort zone and finding innovative ways to succeed.

While not every risk may yield positive results, one should consider failure as a learning opportunity to avoid repeating the same mistakes in the future.

8. Positive Attitude

positive attitude

A positive attitude is a key factor in the success of many people. Expressing gratitude and positive self-talk are cited as priorities for the ultra-successful, and it is important to remind oneself why you are grateful.

With practice, attitudes can be adjusted to work in your favor. It is not necessary to be perpetually optimistic but to think positively in the face of adversity. Successful people stay positive by finding the good in a situation, focusing on solutions, and reframing challenges as opportunities.

9. Exercise

Many successful people have an uncompromising attitude about fitness because regular exercise enhances physical and mental well-being, which can improve focus and energy levels. Additionally, intelligent training has been shown to improve brain function, including memory and problem-solving abilities.

The author recommends starting with small goals and not getting frustrated if results take time. The article also mentions a recent study that found light exercise four hours after learning a new fact improved the learner’s ability to recall the information.

10. Networking


As per the author Thomas Corley, a significant 79% of wealthy individuals dedicate a minimum of five hours per month to networking. Networking is a skill that can be learned and developed over time, and even though social media has made it easier to connect with people, it cannot replace the emotional connection that comes with meeting someone in person.

The article stresses the importance of physical meetings for professionals and entrepreneurs, as they can help expand and deepen their ties and increase their chances of getting new business or employment opportunities. The article also notes that body language plays a significant role in communication, and physical meetings allow for a better understanding of nonverbal cues.


Success is not an overnight accomplishment, but rather a result of consistent hard work and the development of healthy habits. Successful people have unique characteristics that set them apart from others, including a positive attitude, a willingness to learn from others, and an unwavering commitment to self-care. Additionally, they prioritize their daily routine, take calculated risks, and maintain an active lifestyle. By emulating these habits, anyone can achieve success in their personal and professional lives. Success is not a destination, but a journey that requires commitment, dedication, and the development of good habits.

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