G20 Summit 2022 in Bali, Indonesia

G20 Summit 2022 in Bali, Indonesia

The G20 summit will inclusively ponder attention to fulfilling immediate measures to be taken to tackle the present challenges.

A brief introduction to G20 Forum

The G20 forum was established in 1999 keeping the financial crisis of the late 1999s in mind which hit Southeast Asia and East Asia in particular. Its focus was to assure global financial stability by inviting middle-income countries. Its prominent members are France, the UK, China, Brazil, India, Australia, Saudi Arabia, Germany, Japan, the US, the EU, and Turkey. Spain is also called as a permanent guest.

The G20 summit 2022 is being held in Bali, Indonesia. This is the 17th annual summit and will be a culmination of numerous ministerial meetings and working groups that have been working for the past year on key priority areas.

Agenda of g20 summit

Agenda of g20 summit

Global Health Architecture:

This involves deliberations to strengthen global health resilience and to make the global health system responsive to crisis, equitable, and inclusive.

Digital Transformation:

It will be focused that how the full potential of rapid digitalization of the global economy can be achieved by creating a new landscape of cooperation among nations.

Sustainable Energy Transition:

On this platform, the discussion will focus on ways to accelerate the transition toward cleaner energy resources. In particular, since such a transition requires substantial investment, the efforts have been focused on finding a platform for such investments.

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